showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Far Cry 2 (FC2;FarCry2) Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montréal)2008shooter labelimageminimize
Dead Space 2 (Dead Space 2: Severed) Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2011action/reflex adventure Horror Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Torchlight Microsoft Game Studios (Runic Games)2011action/reflex role-play Fantasy Cartoon labelimageminimize
South Park: The Stick of Truth (South Park: Der Stab der Wahrheit;South Park: Le Bâton de Vérité) Ubisoft (Obsidian Entertainment;South Park Digital Studios)2014adventure role-play Cartoon labelminimizeminimize
Destiny Activision (Bungie)2014action/reflex shooter role-play Science Fiction labelimageminimize